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Record player
  • Writer's pictureWeng Fai

The bluesound update has a better separation and more musical

Updated: Apr 12, 2023

My system is composed of various equipments designed trough various countries: Bryston amplifier (Canada), YBA pre amplifier and CD players(France), Proac speakers (UK) all having separated linear power supplies.

My streamer, I currently have the Bluesound node, I like a lot, (latest version)(Canada) and an external Dac (PS Audio first generation)(USA) since the external Dac is not decoding Tidal MQA selection I wanted to improve my sound quality. The bluesound was the weak point when I compared sound with my CD player YBA top model or turntable Project .

By upgrading the switching card from the original bluesound Node for the kit setup composed of a regulation card of 32 capacitors and the external linear power supply from LHY audio, We all were able to identify a better musicality and mostly be able to listen to the MQA from the internal DAC of the bluesound.

The bluesound update has a better separation and more musical. I don't know which external DAC with ( MQA) capacity would be worth upgrading at this time very happy without the external Dac?

Credit to Michel.F @ Canada

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4 commentaires

Con Guting
Con Guting
15 avr. 2023

I just got my psu. Do you just use one of the dc cable? Also there’s a + and - on the back of the power supply. which one do you use for one end to connect to the node?

Michel Filion
Michel Filion
18 avr. 2023
En réponse à

Thanks again for the great service and quick responses!Michel

As a summary you explained: The two cables included are of different sizes of barrel connectors. The cable with the blue collar is DC 5.5/2.5mm while the cable without the blue collar is DC 5.5/2.1mm. You shall use the cable with blue collar (DC5.5/2.5mm) to power up the node.

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